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Different Types of Poses for Photo Booths

Different Types of Poses for Photo Booths

So you’re at a wedding or a corporate meeting or at a carnival and you happen to come across a photo booth! You quickly jump in to get photos, but then wonder “how do we look cool in these photos?” So you stick your tongue out and do the boring pout, but trust us, all these are old school.

These days, you need to think out-of-the-box for everything! Even while getting photos taken in a Photo Booth! Read on to pick up a few tips so that you are loaded with ideas, the next time you enter another one.

Different types of poses

1. If you happen to be the bride and groom, being shy is the last thing that the 21st Century expects you to be in this photographs! Make sure you plant a surprise kiss on your partner or even pick her up! You could get funnier and wink at each other! There are lots of ideas!

2. If you’re out with your girls, gear up to get funny and sexy! The Charlie’s Angels pose is quite the rage with the ladies holding their guns and backs together. Or just pretend to be an elegant supermodel and give your favorite poses unabashedly!

3. Hanging out with your bros? No problem at all! Roll up your sleeves and look tough for the cameras. Or flex those muscles to impress the ladies. Get more creative by pretending to be in a football match and head butt into each other. The list is endless.

4. All by yourself? This could get even better! If you’re a good dancer, enact the iconic moves the harlem shake, the robot, chicken dance or even the Gangnam style! These moves require no explanation and those photographs will look way cooler than you currently think.

5. Run your eyes around to look for creative props that you could use in the Photo Booths. A popular trend right now is to use a board with hashtags on them, like #LauraKenWedding and #HavingABlast. Using gigantic sunglasses and wigs are also very common.

6. The usual pose is the smile for most of the visitors in a photo booth. But try and ditch this look the next time you step in to one. Try and go for the different expressions like surprised, annoyed, embarrassed, nervous and even jumping in excitement. If you’re in a gang, make sure everyone has a different expression to get the fun started!

There you go! We have given you some famous and practical posing ideas that you could use in a photo booth. Give them a shot as soon as you can! It’s a lot of fun!