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How to Look Your Best in Pictures

How to Look Your Best in Pictures

Some people may feel like they are not photogenic and end up fearing to take pictures and post them where the public can view them. Well, to be honest everyone is photogenic as all you have to do is to master some tricks on how to pose, understand your body and know what makes you look beautiful as well.

Let’s look at some tips that you can follow to ensure that you look your best in pictures.

Practice different posing positions in the mirror

It is important to find the best angle that works for you. To achieve this try out posing in various angles on your mirror so you can be able to determine how you will position your body ones you are in front of the camera. You can also try different hair style and use it to help you determine the side you look much better facing.

Wear the right clothes

Everybody has a different body frame, and therefore you should make sure that you find the clothes that fit your body frame. Know the colors, patterns and the length that makes you stand out. Know how to colour block different colors, but the most important thing is to ensure that you wear the clothes that you are comfortable in too.

Wear the right makeup

Everyone is pretty, but makeup helps to enhance our appearance. Therefore before you get your pictures taken, ensure that you wear the right makeup that blends with your face. According to the choice of your makeup, you can either look stunning in your pictures or look ugly as well. Make sure the makeup you choose is the right one.

Smile naturally

It is advisable that when you are taking the pictures to ensure you just let yourself smile naturally. Let your real smile flow without having to force it. Sometimes you may find that when you force a smile, you end up looking ugly. Therefore smile naturally.

Picture hacks that can help you look best in pictures.

Get rid of the clutters

The best hack that can help you look great in your pictures is by ensuring that the area you are having your photos taken looks as simple as possible. Find the simplest place just to make sure that it does not take away attention from you. Therefore use the area with a background that is as clear as possible.